COVID-19 Policies for in-Person Sessions
Max Turyk/Community-based: Updated January, 2021
Drop off and pick up for sessions:
Parents are not permitted in the building at this time. Please meet your child’s behaviour interventionist at the bottom of the stairs at the main entrance to Max Turyk for drop off and pick up.
If a behaviour interventionist is meeting your child in your community for their session, please meet at the designated spot (your behaviour interventionist will be in touch to set this up as needed).
If a behaviour interventionist is scheduled to enter your home, they will connect with you the day before, or morning of, the session to confirm there are no cold/flu/COVID symptoms present within the home.
Transportation in a vehicle with your child will be kept to a minimum and allow for physical distancing to be maintained when appropriate. Staff will wear a mask when transporting children, and throughout the session.
Staff may ask parents and caregivers about illness at drop-off to confirm that the child does not have symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other respiratory distress.
A Self-Assessment waiver is required if not already signed.
Respect of the established schedule:
Timings of pick-up and drop-off will be staggered to maintain the standards of distancing and additional sanitization for the safety of your family and staff. For this reason, it is essential to respect the schedule established by Branch Out.
No more than 2 staff and 1 child will be working in each room at a time, unless children are from the same household and/or pre-approved by the parent/caregiver.
If the format of your child’s session varies between Zoom/in person, please pay close attention to the details in your schedule or get in touch with Branch Out staff for clarification.
Max Turyk:
Branch Out will use the main hallway bathroom during sessions and be the only user group accessing it for the time being.
The water fountains are closed.
Toys and other items that cannot be easily cleaned (e.g. plush/stuffed toys) are removed from therapy rooms and work environments.
Masks are mandatory within Max Turyk public areas (hallways) for staff and all individuals capable of putting on and taking off their own mask.
Physical distancing, Hygiene, Sanitizing & Sessions:
Sessions will be run outdoors when possible and appropriate.
Adolescent children should physically distance themselves where possible and will be requested to do so as needed by Branch Out staff.
For younger children maintaining physical distance is less practical and staff will focus on minimizing physical contact as much as possible.
Additional hand hygiene practices and opportunities will be worked into the daily schedule for staff and kiddos. Branch Out will follow the guidelines set by the Public Health Guidance for Childcare Settings: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/covid-19/covid-19-pho-guidance-childcare.pdf
Cleaning protocols are implemented between each session to sanitize high-use areas such as doorknobs, light switches, faucets, toys (once used will be set aside), tables, counters, chairs, electronic devices, pens/markers etc.
Masks are mandatory for staff during sessions with your child.
If you need assistance addressing the new normal of physical distancing and hygiene with your child, please let us know, we are here for you and happy to help find an individualized strategy!
Illness Policy & Cancellation:
Please see the session cancellation flow chart for clarification of when any individual must stay home.
If anyone within the home has symptoms of COVID-19, please contact us and keep your child home.
Branch Out’s illness and cancellation policy will be upheld and best efforts will be made to provide an online ZOOM session or rescheduled session (within the week) to accommodate cancellations due to illness.
If a child develops symptoms during their session, the parent will be contacted immediately for pick up.
If a staff member develops symptoms during the session, you will be informed immediately, and an alternate staff member will care for your child until pick up. The staff will go home immediately, and a negative COVID test, symptom free, and/or cleared by Public Health will be required before returning to work.
COVID-19 Session Cancellation Flow Chart
Thank you for your continued understanding as we navigate the current COVID-19 situation with the health and safety of all in mind. Please consider the following when making a decision to proceed with, cancel, or look into rescheduling a session for your child at Branch Out:
Has your child returned from travel outside of Canada in the last 14 days or is your child a confirmed contact of a person confirmed to have COVID?
Yes → Use the COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to determine if you should seek testing for COVID-19.https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en
No ↓
Does your child have a fever?
Yes → Keep your child home and have them assessed by calling 811, your physician or the local Covid‐19 screening line at 250‐425-3777.
No ↓
Does your child have two or more of the following BC CDC COVID 19 Most Common Symptoms?
Cough or worsening of chronic cough
Shortness of breath
Loss of sense of smell or taste
Nausea and vomiting
Sore throat
Runny nose
Loss of appetite
Muscle aches
Yes → Keep your child home and have them assessed by calling 811, your physician, or the local Covid‐19 screening line at 250‐425-3777. No ↓
Does your child have one of the above symptoms, mildly?
Yes → Monitor your child at home for at least 24 hours. If symptoms have improved, they can continue sessions with Branch Out.
No ↓
Does your child have other symptoms of illness?
Yes → If symptoms are mild, monitor your child at home for at least 24 hours and if symptoms improve sessions can continue. If symptoms are severe, seek a health assessment by calling 811, your physician, or the local Covid‐19 screening line at 250‐425-3777.
No → No further action required. Your child can attend sessions with Branch Out.